Why the Pink War is covert

The Pink War is a covert war - there is no declaration of congress, nor a fiery speech from a U.S. president.  You could find some fiery speeches from the corporate leaders who suddenly had to share more of their profits with the countries they extracted them from.  And there are things like POTUS' executive orders and other documents from which people could discern the tell tale signs of a covert war.  

Another sign is how the Intelligence Community is targeting these countries.  For example, in Venezuela, anything related to "oil" has been fair game for NSA spying, and the disruptive activities that follow such spying.  

The truth remains that the U.S. has a long and sordid history of waging covert wars when Latin American countries go for a fairer share of their resources.  Why ?  A fair share means a little less for the U.S. corporate overlords who thrive on excess - who then pull the strings of the U.S. Congress.  These cries for action are not born of democratic ideals, or of justice, or of real threats to the United States.  They are born out of greed.

It is still a hard sell for legislators to promote a war, or to shoot thousands of people for some corporation's bottom line and subsequent political contribution checks.  Funding a few more yachts for the corporate rolls hardly seems stirring to the U.S. public.

So the wars are conducted covertly: it is the wheels of the U.S. Intelligence Community that are spun, and it is people acting at the IC's behest which then crush those people asking for a fairer share.

The truth is that the Pink War is Waged on Pretexts that Make the Iraq War look Good.