How it is Waged

On the macro scale, economies are sabotaged, military are corrupted, misinformation spreads, violence is triggered, elected leaders are removed:  Voila, another 20 years of inequity is secured.

A match made in hell occurs: natural resources prompt corporate interests, who promote and fund antidemocratic coups.  The U.S. is manipulated into providing covert support.  The local military then crush any redistributist politician, and create further profits by abusing labor, disregarding environmental concerns, and killing or disappearing any who dare speak up about the nearly medieval conditions.  People work in sheer terror, for less and less.  Anyone who speaks up is considered a "problem."  All that is needed is the non-controvertible word of someone who is paid to find "problem" persons, in secret.  This serves the body-count driven military, who soon create body counts to feed the apparatus.  Thus union organizers are labeled as terrorists, farmers become guerrillas and  repression becomes security.

This is partly made possible by a "paternalistic" stance towards countries that have long been treated as fiefdoms by the U.S.  Weakness in human rights and political institutions is fostered, creating conditions whereby unspeakable darkness befalls entire countries, thinly veiled by the secrecy which has surrounded such policies and activities in the past..

On the micro scale, individuals are targeted.  A "we" vs. "they" mentality is spread, and people are actively recruited to fight each other.  People who resist recruitment are repressed.

In today's world that repression involves some very scary technology.

Some other examples of what has taken place:

Economic pressure:

Economic sabotage such as the paralyzing oil strike in Venezuela's in 2002, engineered shortages of goods, currency manipulation, pressure from international financial organizations.  This is a customary means of disrupting democratic processes to assuage corporate interests in the U.S.


Media manipulated to spread provocative misinformation, such as the: 60% of news stories which were proven false in the run-up to the 2016 soft coup in Brazil..

Financial, Logistics, and Information support:

Given to "Opposition" parties who are aligned with the corporate interests.