Why Was I crushed
As to why me, it's not that difficult. As I explain below in turn, it is probably a combination of:
-Conflict Between Nations
-Family Connections
-Political Activity
-Being a CIA Recruiting Target
-Being a CIA Blackmail Target
Nationality and Resource Based Conflict
I have dual nationality. This is not usually a problem, except mine is with a country which is labeled an extraordinary National Security threat to the United States.Woah, is what I thought when I heard that - except there are no WMDs or threats of any kind there.
The country does have something that has motivated U.S. excesses in the past: the largest oil reserves in the world. So the grab is on: there have been longstanding and significant efforts by greedy multinationals to get that oil. The corps have in turn pulled the strings on a few of their lackeys within the U.S. government, which then began a covert war on that country.
Such efforts have generated a predictable backlash from the population every few years or so, and substantial allegations of covert activity to bring the country to its knees, like the U.S. did in Chile.
Family Connections
From the Left:One ancestor of mine was Miguel Otero Silva, an internationally acclaimed leftist writer whose writing won him the Lenin Peace Prize. Miguel's critique of the flaws of the establishment in Venezuela also got him exiled. Undaunted, Miguel participated in a rebellion against the U.S. supported dictator. In that rebellion he was part of rebel forces that attacked and seized Curacao's main fort; as a prelude to a sea borne attack they undertook on Venezuela. A warrior and a writer, the guy is a folk hero in Venezuela.
Another set of ancestors includes people who founded a newspaper in Venezuela: El Nacional. At that time Miguel was back in country and helped start that newspaper as its first chief writer. That newspaper is one of the three most distributed and influential newspapers in Venezuela.
A few years ago I was surprised to see a family tree that includes Simon Bolivar back amongst my ancestors as well. He is an obvious regional hero and influential historical figure.
From the Right:
As time went by, the formerly rebellious Otero family became wealthy and connected, a substantial component of the establishment. Miguel Otero Silva became a senator. My grandparents became active in the commercial and real estate sectors, amassing a net worth of about 130 million of today's dollars.
And as for the formerly leftist El Nacional, the current editor (an Otero) is a founding member of "2d," a political group which is deeply involved in attempting to unseat the current leftist president of Venezuela.
As for My dad, well he was part a tightly knit group of executives for the Cisneros enterprise, which has held dominant Venezuelan/Latin American television and cable networks, music labels, television program producers, 'the' Pepsi franchise in Venezuela and Brasil, and quite a few others.
The then leader of the Cisneros enterprise, Mr. Gustavo Cisneros, became the richest and most influential man in Venezuela/South America. He was a participant in several large corporations in the U.S., and a participant in the Bilderberg Group. His daughter Adriana Cisneros Phelps de Griffin, current CEO and vice Chair of Cisneros, is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
To put this factor into perspective, when Ex U.S. President Jimmy Carter sought to mediate nationwide unrest in Venezuela, he called two people to a meeting: The president of Venezuela, and my dad's boss.
So there is a little weight there on the family side.
What I did, which was unheard of, is to set out on my own to make my own way in the U.S. I took nothing with me and received nothing to aid me as I worked from a $2 an hour busboy who liked to read, to a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Michigan, and a JD from UCLA.
Miguel Otero Silva might view the current situation in Venezuela with a jaded eye. When he wrote his moving literature, he wrote of the dispossessed and of the perils of foreign capital. As of April 2017 Venezuela is locked in a pitched battle between Deep State fueled chaos and a socialist government. That seems like it would benefit U.S. interests. Truth is the benefits go to a very few corporations who bid on countries in order to have their way there. And usually that includes destroying the place so they can come in and 'clean up.' Then U.S. taxpayers face costs that range from military intervention, waves of illegal migration (like the ones sweeping Europe), and untraceable 'rebuilding' costs.
Political Activity in School
Then there the things that I did that got the Deep State's attention. For example, I became a budding political leader at my school.While there I took a stand against government waste by insiders. Got me threatened, but it also got them to clean up a little. Perhaps not surprisingly, I eventually became a lawyer.
For many years I also engaged in writing, research, and political advocacy. I have long worked on issues that certain U.S. government factions would prefer to squelch, such as the following examples which include Deep State activities and Coups abroad:
-U.S. Government's history of toppling democratic regimes for U.S. based corporate interests such as fruit companies in Central America:
-U.S. Government's involvement in supporting the illegitimate government of El Salvador, despite government massacres and death squads:
-The need for a more exhaustive review on U.S. Government's financial support to Israel, due to human rights abuses towards some Palestinians:
-U.S. Government trained and indoctrinated Latin American military units, performing the function of U.S. occupation troops in Latin America. Also, U.S. support for Rafael Trujillo, a brutal U.S trained and indoctrinated military commander who ruled the Dominican Republic for 30 years and was responsible for the death of 50,000 people:
Needless to say I am not exactly popular with U.S. government factions that would secretly reduce Latin America to the equivalent of a dark ages feudal plot, held under submission by covert sponsorship of death squads and repression. That approach has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of people being killed, in order to still the voices of those who inevitably call for a fairer distribution of the products of the land and labor. For too long much of Latin America has been a needlessly underdeveloped region, mired in poverty and political repression.
My point has been that the above abuses are not worth it, and that there is a better way: U.S. citizens have a conscience, and they know that a fair and productive co-existence with its neighbors is a better, longer lasting means to prosperity.
Fair trade works to spur regional growth. After all, Latin Americans buy U.S. goods (Latin Americans buy more of our exports than China does, for example), but they can't buy much if they are held to pennies an hour, decade after decade. The current policy benefits a very few multinationals and especially their top executives. Meanwhile the region remains too poor to buy US goods, which is what would most benefit US workers and business.
Political Advocacy
In addition to the above, I have also engaged in advocacy for things I believed in : things like letters to government agencies, posting on forums, running a Blog, holding up friendship flags at an open air concert, writing my senators, and even writing President Barack Obama.-The Blog.
It was about the Pink War and related issues: Things like the abject poverty and inequality in Honduras:
The U.S. supported military coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya:
The right wing massacre in Pando, Bolivia:
The shameful media misinformation/propaganda campaigns against the democratically elected governments of Venezuela and Bolivia.
The basic premise of the Blog was that U.S. citizens don't want business interests manipulating the U.S. government into toppling democratic leaders while the U.S. preaches democracy to the world. That U.S. sponsored right wing military generals make terrible political leaders, who always respond to dissent with firearms. It's like having a roomful of hammer-wielders looking for something to do: without oversight, things are eventually going to get smashed. Military regimes also make for extremely slow political and economic advancement. Extreme right political movements in the region have always ended in the imprisonment, torture, and murder of thousands, all for the economic benefit of a very few. It's a sordid history, but not many people know about it.
In the past few weeks I have begun to pick up the pen again - this time I put together CIA, U.S. Senate, U.S. Department of State, Presidential Recordings, DINA and other internal documents to show the mechanics of a U.S. sponsored coup in Chile. I have just begun work on a scalding piece on a particular Southern Cone country.
-The flags.
A U.S. and Venezuela flag drawn on two letter size sheets, unobtrusively held up against a railing with the caption "We're better off as friends." The venue being the first concert for the L.A. Philharmonic with its new director Dudamel at the Hollywood Bowl. At the time there was considerable war mongering against Venezuela by some political factions, which got to the point of even religious leaders like Pat Robertson disgracefully calling for the murder of the elected president of Venezuela.
-Writing my Senators and the President.
When I wrote my senators I attempted to help them see that Latin America's recent political changes would not be a fly by night event (which they are still ongoing), and that positive things could be achieved by working with political movements sweeping the region. I argued against the financially motivated, undemocratic interventionist mindset that usually shapes U.S. responses to re-distributist politics. I hoped President Barack Obama's election would bring about much needed change.
There is more, but suffice it to say that my nationality and background probably enticed some people bent on utilizing every available person in their struggle to own Venezuela's oil; and that my letters, blog, research and writing likely singled me out as a dissident on U.S. policy and its effects in Latin America.
By the way I never got a cent for my efforts, from anyone. The sites were not even monetized. I have never worked for any government anywhere, except for college/law school work study for the U.S. courts/prosecutors, incident to my schooling.
CIA Recruiting Target
CIA Blackmail Attempt & Ensuing Bullying, Harassment & Repression
As you can see there were lots of reasons why some people in the U.S. Intelligence community would come calling; but it turned out that it was ultimately not for me.During a meeting and interview with CIA recruiters things took an ominous turn: I did not respond well to an apparent blackmail attempt, and I saw disappointment in the recruiter's face as a result.
It was all for the better: my beliefs are probably not suited to that line of work. So, I forgot about the IC and focused on my law practice. That should have been the end of it.
Except Deep State / IC repression started, right after the failed CIA blackmailing attempt.
Some people probably didn't know when to quit. They had gone through the effort of getting some really confidential blackmail material to hit me with, so maybe it was tough letting go.
They sank into a squeeze campaign against me. Economic sabotage, provocateurs, and griefing became the norm.
I reacted to that by blowing the whistle on the abuses, which I thought was a just a few people gone bad, like we initially heard was the case in Abu Ghraib, and Gitmo. So I thought the excesses would pass if I brought it up with their Recruitment Chief, and in writing. I did, and I also asked that the letter be passed on to any relevant party.
After my whistleblowing letter the CIA/IC/their lackeys intensified their efforts at destroying my livelihood and personal life. Maybe they didn't pass the letter along. Maybe they thought they could sweep the whole thing under the rug.
As I will soon detail, the IC then also engaged in a devastating and paralyzing fear campaign, which precludes almost all defensive action. I took some action, but that merely taught me how deep the power of the IC travels.
By 2017, they resorted to death threats. You'll want to know which President did what, and which senators did not put an end to the op despite, being made personally aware of it.
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