Monday, September 19, 2016


En Español

Welcome to

*Updated as of April 23, 2017 

www.PinkWar.Info is a web page to document covert wars.  

These wars targets democratically elected leaders and any individuals believed of importance or use in that "struggle." The Organization behind the Pink War has struck before in Europe, the Middle East, and South America - I have been researching and writing about Coups since the early 90's - and right now, that same organization is striking with a Coup on U.S. Soil.

Read on if you want to know what can happen to individual casualties of these covert wars.  Read about the techniques employed in the Chilean example here, for example.  You may begin to recognize some of the techniques in place in the U.S. right now.  The result is that entire countries can be utterly destroyed, and lives upended, seemingly without recourse.  It is a Malthusian agenda that is fueled by misinformation and chaos.

The organization engaged in this conduct victimizes people in both aisles of the U.S. Congress, and crosses international boundaries, with ease.  This is a bi-partisan issue, it affects people in this country and abroad.

As to what I am doing about it, the first thing is to let people know, which might by itself spur on some progress.  This page,,, twitter @aftercollection, and the youtube channel are for that purpose.

The second step I took was a hunger strike. That went on for 42 days, and you can get some info on the videos below.  


The third step is to ask everyone to please bring attention to the issue by sharing the links and contacting their representatives in Congress through these links: 

Through those links you can find your representatives and email them through their profile page.  Your email doesn't have to agree with anything I say.  

All your email has to say is that you "know of a person that went on a hunger strike for 42 days, that there were allegations of Federal wrongdoing, and that the situation should be looked at."  Give them the links provided above. That's it, it takes about two minutes.

The only way my situation has occurred is because such practices thrive in the shadows.  Please help bring an injustice to light.

As a Whistleblower, this means that I have been under a crushing repression campaign for the last few years. Please read more here to see why this is occurring. Speaking truth to that power has meant persecution and reprisals that robbed me of my profession, cast me out of the economic stream, and left me homeless.  I continue speaking out while on the run from that organization that some refer to as the Deep State.

If you can please gift me any amount or spread these links:

My bitcoin gift page at
My Gofundme campaign

Thank you. End of Update.*

Decide for yourself if you could support the organization behind The Pink War.  It has inflicted "Soft Coups" on countries in the Middle East, Europe, and South America - sowing disorder in order to further a nefarious agenda.  Be advised: that same organization is now striking within the United States.  It's a brazen attempt to thwart U.S. democratic institutions, deny people the benefit of their vote, and create chaos domestically.

U.S. resources are used to fight it.  It affects not only countries, but also individuals on foreign and U.S. soil.

Beyond a cautionary and interesting situation, you should know that there are some heavy-hitter, national level, usual suspect politicians that are a significant part of this situation.

My struggle serves to expose out-of-control factions within the U.S. government.  My stand is for rights that are there to protect us all.

Any help will be appreciated.  Those that can are asked to gift me as little as one dollar through the bitcoin page, or the gofundme campaign.

Thank you.